
Fight monsters to make your characters stronger and get useful resources and items. In addition to resources and items, you need to upgrade your characters in battles in order to improve and develop your land and buildings; the better developed your land, the more your earnings. Develop your land and buildings to earn in-game currency with which you can upgrade your characters or exchange it for a game token. The game token is freely sold and bought, your earnings depend only on the level of pumping of your land.

Battles: PVE is an arena (room) in which you fight monsters and if you win, you receive rewards, and your character also increases lvl. PVP battle between two players online (not available in demo) Lands: Your main tool for earning money in the game, the better developed your buildings on your land, the greater your earnings. Also on your land there are assistants whom you can hire for protection, wells that allow you to extract water to restore energy to your characters.

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